Charles Dobson Discharge from the HLI late 1947 – Demob

Charles Dobson Discharge from the HLI late 1947 – Demob

Provided by Steve Dobson

Here is my Dad’s discharge book when he eventually got home after more than three years with the HLI.

There was a slight mistake on the discharge book as my Dad is shown as a Lance Corporal, when he was by that time a Corporal.

My Dad seems to think that the document was signed by a Major who was the 2IC, to the Lieut. Colonel. It looks like the Major was J.G. Coulter or Coultard. It says that Dad’s Military Conduct was Exemplary and the Testimonial reads “Classified Signaller. Thoroughly honest, sober and dependable. Intelligent and thoroughly respectful in his manner. A good signal ??(word unclear)”

Apparently this was the Army equivalent of a letter of recommendation to be used when getting a job.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed Dad’s stories.

Charles Dobson Then and Now

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